Author Archives: Catherine Case

About Catherine Case

Catherine Case is a Ph.D. student at the University of Florida and an AP Statistics teacher at P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School.

Making the Most of Simulation-Based Inference in an AP Statistics Class

Catherine CaseCatherine Case, University of Florida

My first experience teaching statistics was at the college level, so for my first few years of teaching, I never heard the infamous question, “Can we have a free day?” Now that I teach AP Statistics at a high school, I do hear that question from time-to-time (somewhere between 1 and 1 million times per day), and I need to be prepared with a good answer! Why should they care about what we’re doing in class today? My first goal for each class is to get buy-in from my students, to convince them that statistics is relevant to their lives and we have important, interesting things to accomplish. Simulation-based inference helps me do that. We’re able to draw inferences from real-world data starting on the first day of class, and breaking out spinners, dice, and coins never hurts! [pullquote]Incorporating simulation-based inference in a high school statistics class presents… opportunities for students to make connections and gain experience with statistical inference throughout the course.[/pullquote]

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