Author Archives: Dianna Spence

About Dianna Spence

Dianna Spence ( is a professor in the Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science at University of North Georgia

Using student projects in a simulation-based inference curriculum…And vice versa

Dianna J. Spence – University of North Georgia


Student-directed projects have been a staple of my introductory statistics course for several years, as I want students to learn statistical inquiry through authentic experience. By “student-directed” I mean that the student (or team of 2-3) crafts a research question, defines appropriate variables, collects data, and identifies and uses the correct statistical analysis to address their question. I don’t give the students a list of topics to choose from; I want them to come up with topics based on their interests, and to come up with all of the supporting details.[pullquote]Here’s how I have organized the course to use both SBI and projects, and how I modified the projects themselves to leverage the benefits that SBI brought to the course.[/pullquote] Continue reading