
  • Lyric copyright Dennis K Pearl
    may sing to the tune of "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean" (Scottish folk song)

    My Data lies over the average
    Much higher than I’ve ever seen
    And if I take one more sample
    Oh, expect it back towards the mean

    My Data lies over the average
    Much higher than ever seen
    Well, give me one more sample
    Yeah, expect it back closer to mean

    Yeah bring back, ah bring back
    Oh bring data more towards the mean, the mean
    (Ah bring) Oh bring back, ah bring back
    Oh bring back my Data to mean.

    Well, my Data lies over the average
    My proportion’s well over the p
    Yeah, give me another proportion
    Oh, expect it back closer to p

    Yeah bring back, ah bring back
    Oh bring back the data to mean to mean (to mean)
    Oh bring back, ah bring back
    Oh bring back my Data to mean.

  • Video explaining the statistical concept of correlation through dance.

    (Teaching notes available to instructors logged into CAUSEweb)


  • by Joseph L. Fleiss (1937 - 2003)

    The was a statistician from Needham,
    Who was so bright, his clients would heed him.
    Yet his embarrassed confession
    Was that, in linear regression,
    He'd never subtract an extra degree of freedom.

  • Instructions

    Complete the activities below!

