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Download All Spotlight on Pedagogy Handouts (13MB PDF) or select individual ones below.
Table # | Spotlight Titles |
P4 | Some Class Activities in Probability and Statistics |
P12 | An Activity Approach to Teaching Data Analysis and Probability for Teachers |
P5 | Rote Learning of Statistics Among High Schools and Colleges |
P6 | WebAssign at North Carolina State University |
P9 | Managing Team Projects in the Introductory Course |
P10 | Multiple Monte Carlo Methods for Making Sense of Statistical Matters |
P13 | Championing Statistical Thinking: Some Lessons from the Summer Olympics |
P14 | Online Introductory Statistics--The Good and the Bad |
P44 | The Central Limit Theorem: A Group Activity to Die For! |
P8 | Statistics in the News |
P17 | Dynamism and Humor in Statistical Presentation: Fresh Not Frozen |
P15 | Using Gallup Polls in Introductory Statistics |
P16 | Activities in the Advanced Placement Statistics High School Classroom |
P34 | Using Paideia Seminars to Encourage Intellectual Discussion and Discovery in the Statistics Classroom |
P21 | Statistics Teaching Working Group at NC State University |
P43 | Simulation Station |
P22 | Advising the Queen: Simulating Real World Significance Testing in About an Hour |
P36 | Using Hands-on Methods with Computer Simulation to Teach Sampling Distributions and Inference |
P23 | Stories and Statistics: Using Historical Examples in the Teaching of Applied Statistics |
P24 | Normal or Not? Christy Gillespie - Community School of Naples |
P25 | Module Assisted Statistics Courses |
P26 | Using Random Numbers to Introduce the Central Limit Theorem |
P27 | Infuse Simulations Into Probability and Mathematical Statistics |
P62 | Using Real, Relevant, and Interesting Data to Teach Statistical Concepts |
P28 | Lab Activities for an Introductory Statistics Course |
P29 | Low-Tech Demonstrations |
P30 | Training Environmental Statisticians - Tomorrow's Problem Solvers |
P64 | Statistics Before Your Eyes: Photographs of Statistical Concepts |
P18 | What Ideas Worked for Me, What Didn't, and How to Make Them Work |
P31 | Using Simulation to Explore the Power of a Test of Hypotheses |
P3 | Helping Students Navigate Their Way Through Technology in the Intro Stat Class |
P38 | Activity-Based Learning Using Real-Time Online Hands-On Activities |
P20 | Is Homework Passé? |
P32 | The Ups, Downs, and Loops of Statistics |
P35 | A Web Centric Course |
P2 | Can We Teach Statistics in the Same Way That We Think About Statistics? |
P33 | The Sum of Independent Normals Is Normal |
P40 | Using Statistics to Better Characterize Residential Wood Combustion Emissions |
P11 | Getting a Taste for Sampling: Using a Popsicle Stick Population to Illustrate Sampling Distributions |
P47 | A High School "Statistics for Everyone" Course |
P41 | Looking at the Big Picture of Statistics |
P45 | The Hot Hand: Comparing Sports Performances to Chance |
P49 | Introductory Statistics with SPSS |
P53 | The Juarez Lincoln Marti: An Experience Teaching Statistics Faculty Development Workshops in Latin America |
P50 | Using Web to Address Academic Diversity in Basic Statistics Courses |
P51 | The Role of Daily Quizzes in an Introductory Probability and Statistics Course |
P52 | Introducing Undergraduate Students to Spam Filtering, Internet Traffic Data and WWW Clickstream Data Analysis: Three Activities that Work. |
P54 | Green Route or Red Route? A Statistics Project |
P63 | Using Monte-Carlo Simulations and an Interactive White-Board for Teaching Sampling Distribution Characteristics |
P46 | Using Hybrid Teaching in Undergraduate Statistics Education |
P39 | EESEE: A Resource for Statistical Examples and Data |
P55 | Teaching Graphical Excellence By Using Media Mistakes |
P42 | Teaching Statistics Completely On-Line |
P56 | The Impact of Religious Faith on Statistical Use and Inference |
P37 | Reduce the Fear Factor with Online Materials |
P57 | Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: Overarching Principles to Help Struggling Students |
P58 | Flat Earth Guide to Probability and Statistics |
P59 | REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) in Statistics at Miami University |
P60 | Visualizing Bivariate Normal Distributions |
P49 | Teaching Basic Principles Using a Lottery Computer Simulation |
P1 | Statistics in Song |
P11 | Is Your Class in Jeopardy!? |
P61 | Decision Bonsai Provide Students a Glimpse of Structure |