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Download All Spotlight on Curriculum Handouts (3.3MB PDF) or select individual ones below.
Table # | Spotlight Titles |
C9 | Designing a Suitable Statistical Curriculum in a Mathematics Department |
C17 | Stat 101 Counts as a Math Competency Requirement, or Why We Moved to a 4-credit Course |
C1 | GAISE in Action |
C4 | Teaching Statistics--NOT Probability |
C11 | Introductory Courses of Statistics for Students of Economic University: What to Teach and Why? |
C2 | Gaining Student Interest in AP Statistics at Your School |
C14 | An Overview of the AP Statistics Program |
C8 | Beyond The Formula Statistics Conferences |
C12 | Statistical Modeling as an Introductory Course |
C5 | Structure and Freedom Allowed Adjunct Faculty in Teaching Introductory Statistics |
C18 | The Advantages and Disadvantages of Incorporating a Project in the Introductory Applied Statistics Course |
C19 | Sampling & Sampling Techniques: The WHAT, the WHY, the HOW, and the WHEN to Teach in an Introductory Statistics Course |
C7 | What Defines a "Statistically Literate Citizen?" |
C6 | Are We Teaching the Right Material in Introductory Statistics? |
C10 | Stat 404: Effective Statistics Communications |
C3 | Utilizing a Digital Library to Teach Undergraduate Statistics |
C20 | Using Electronic Portfolios to Demonstrate Statistical Literacy, Reasoning, and Thinking |
C15 | Log-log Plots and the Pareto Distribution |
C13 | Managing Service Learning Projects in Statistics Courses |
C16 | Do the Right Test! A Nonparametric Approach |