
  • This lesson introduces two sample hypothesis testing for means and discusses the one-tailed and two-tailed t-tests.
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  • This tutorial on the Mann-Whitney test includes its definition, assumptions, characteristics, and hypotheses as well as procedures for graphical comparisons. An example using output from the WINKS software is given, but those without the software can still use the tutorial. An exercise is given at the end that can be done with any statistical software package.
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  • This tutorial describes various measures of central tendency, their theory and use, and demonstrates them with an example on final exam scores. Data is given as well as SPSS and Minitab code. Key Words: Mean; Median; Mode; Variance; Standard Deviation.
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  • This tutorial introduces the statistical software SPSS for Windows users. Topics covered include: The Basics, Data, Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square & T-tests, Correlations & Regression, Oneway ANOVA, Factorial ANOVA.
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  • This online textbook covers the following probability and statistics topics: Independence; Venn Diagrams; Bayes's Theorem; Counting; Binomial Expansion; Binomial Distribution; Continuous Distributions; Infinitesimals in Probability; Averaging; Variance; Gaussian Distribution; Random Walks; Correlation; Causation; Linear Regression; Unbiased Estimators; Hypothesis Testing; Shape of the Distribution; Variance of Mean Differences.
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  • This page explains simple linear regression with an example on muscle strength versus lean body mass.
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  • This lesson introduces simple linear regression with several Excel spreadsheet examples such as temperature versus cricket chirps, height versus shoe size, and laziness versus amount of TV watched. These activities require class participation.
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  • This resource explains Multiple Regression and concepts associated with it. Key Words: Predicted values; Residuals; Dummy Variables; Interaction Effects; T-Test; Regression Coefficients; Correlation; Partial Correlation; R-Squared; Adjusted R-Squared; Multicollinearity; Variance-Inflation Factors; Transformation; Cook's Distance; Validity; Durbin-Watson Coefficient.
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  • This JAVA applet assists the user in developing skills to classify a problem as one of the various types of confidence intervals, hypethesis tests and Chi Squared tests. This is not an easy application, but the comprehensive hints provided will improve the users skills in making such classifications.
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  • This recording of a web seminar (webinar) provides a tour of StatCrunch. StatCrunch (www.statcrunch.com) is a Web-based data analysis package. StatCrunch has all of the routines required for introductory statistics and many more. The software also offers pedagogical features such as interactive graphics. Many of these capabilities are discussed and demonstrated by StatCrunch developer Webster West.

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