3D: How to communicate in an online statistics course (Room 104)

Jacqueline Herman (Northern Kentucky University), Ella Burnham (Gustavus Adolphus College), Erin Blankenship (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)


Do you teach an online statistics course, or have you taught one in the past? Has the way in which you communicate with, and encourage communication between, your students had to change because the class is being offered online? Are there elements of your course you feel work really well? Are there elements of your course you’d like to toss? In this breakout session, we will ask attendees to share their opinions and experiences about multiple communication aspects one must consider when teaching an online course. We’ll debate four communication elements of online courses and share ideas for their optimal implementation. We’ll discuss the value (or lack thereof) of synchronous elements (such as live problem sessions), instructor-created videos like recorded lectures, student-to-student interaction, and whether assessment methods should attempt to replicate those used in a physical classroom. This breakout session will welcome and respect all perspectives and experiences, and we hope that all participants walk away with ideas to try the next time they teach online as well as a community of fellow online educators.