
  • A cartoon to teach about finding P-values in significance testing. Cartoon by John Landers (www.landers.co.uk) based on an idea from Dennis Pearl (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
    Average: 1 (1 vote)
  • A cartoon to accompany a discussion of outliers and their posible underlying causes. Cartoon by John Landers (www.landers.co.uk) based on an idea from Dennis Pearl (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
    Average: 4 (1 vote)
  • Compared to probability calculators, the traditional format of distribution tables has the advantage of showing many values simultaneously and, thus, enables the user to examine and quickly explore ranges of probabilities. This webpage includes a list of distributions and tables, including the standard normal (Z) table, student's t table, chi-square table, and F distribution tables. An animation of the density function and distribution function is shown above each distribution table to demonstrate the effects changing degrees of freedom and significance levels have on the shape of a distribution.

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  • The plural of anecdote is not data. Attributed to American economist Roger E. Brinner in the on-line list of quotes at www.keypress.com/fathom/fathom1/quotes.html
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  • Song is simply a quick jingle to help students recall the conceptual interpretation of a p-value. May be sung to tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Recorded June 26, 2009 at the OSU Whisper Room: Larry Lesser, vocals/guitar; Justin Slauson, engineer. This song is part of an NSF-funded library of interactive songs that involved students creating responses to prompts that are then included in the lyrics (see www.causeweb.org/smiles for the interactive version of the song, a short reading covering the topic, and an assessment item).

    Average: 5 (1 vote)
  • The 29-item attitudinal scale consists of two subscales: attitude toward the field of statistics (20 items) and attitude toward the course (9 items). Students are asked to respond to how they currently feel about a statement (i.e., "I feel that statistics will be useful to me in my profession") using a 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) response scale.
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  • This Compendium describes distributions appropriate for the modeling of random data. The number of distributions (56) is large, including: 1. Continuous distributions (30), (Symmetric (11) and Skewed (19)) 2. Continuous binary mixtures(17), 3. Discrete distributions (5), 4. Discrete binary mixtures (4), All formulas are shown in their fully-parametrized form, not the standard form. Many of the formulas given are seldom described. Random variate generation is included where feasible.
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  • This site discusses types of data, stem and leaf plots, mean and median, histograms, and barcharts. Exercises are also provided, as well as their corresponding answers.
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  • This applet lets you explore the effect of violations of the assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variance on the type I error rate and power of t tests (and two-group analysis of variance).
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  • This case study addresses the question: "Will a smiling person accused of a crime be treated more leniently than one who is not smiling? If so, does the type of smile make a difference?" It concerns the following concepts: quantile/boxplots, contrasts among means, Dunnett's test, and Bonferroni correction.
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