** Guessing Correlations

This is a basic web application that allows practice with matching points on a scatterplot to the appropriate correlation coefficient, r. Applet provides four scatterplots to match with four numeric correlations via radio buttons. After making selections, students click to see "correct" answers and keep a running total of proportion of correct matches, then may select four more plots.
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Author Name: 
John Marden
Content Quality Concerns: 
In practice this applet sometimes gives correlations that are quite close together such as -.57 and -.55. This very close correlation may frustrate some students. In practice with many rounds the applet may give some scatterplots that are deceptive.
Content Quality Strengths: 
This very basic applet focuses on a single concept: the relationship between correlations and patterns in scatterplots. This applet helps students develop conceptual understanding of the correlation numbers and how they are used to quantify the relationship between two quantitative variables.
Ease of Use Concerns: 
There are no explicit instructions for this applet, although most students quickly figure out the method of use, some may be discouraged by lack of specifics. It might be useful to add some simple instructions.
Ease of Use Strengths: 
The interface is very easy to use and fun for students to "play" as a game. It provides quick feedback and keeps a running percentage of correct answers.
Potential Effectiveness Concerns: 
Plots here always appear to have a normally distributed scatter about a straight line and all have the same number of points in the scatter plot. This applet should be supplemented with other applets that allow students to see the impact of outliers and non-linear patterns on the correlation.
Potential Effectiveness Strengths: 
This application does promote student discovery and learning. It also helps to develop thinking skills related to the concept of correlation. The application is generic in the sense that it is not dependent on a specific textbook, software package (calculator), or instructional method used for a course. The "game"-like feature of trying to get a long streak of correct answers is a wonderful way to get students to match LOTS of plots to correlations. This game like activity helps students to stay interested while developing the skill of understanding the correlation.
Content Quality Rating: 
Ease of Use Rating: 
Potential Effectiveness Rating: 
Source Code Available: 
Source Code Available
Intended User Role: 
Learner, Teacher
Resource Type: 
Free for All
Math Level: 

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