Catherine Crockett (Point Loma Nazarene U.), Stacy DeRuiter (Calvin University), Judith Canner (California State University, Monterey Bay)
Communicating about data has become increasingly important as we see data used to make public health decisions, target ads, and impact policy. Ethical practice, from collection to communication of data, is vital to support a thriving democracy and make decisions for the public good. While we know that ethical practice is vital, integrating ethics into our courses is, for many of us, out of our area of expertise. This workshop is designed to give educators tools and ideas on how to incorporate and communicate ethical practices into their technical courses.
Participants of this workshop will:
· be introduced to the existing materials available at integratedethicslabs.org;
· experience several of the ethics labs that tie ethics directly to the subject matter;
· get tips on how to include ethics labs in a course or throughout a program;
· adapt an ethics labs to be used in their own courses;
· if time permits, practice presenting a lab and receive feedback;
No technology or pre-requisite knowledge beyond teaching introductory statistics required.