Exhibitor Technology Demonstrations
Friday, May 17th from 4:30 to 5:30 pm
Cengage Learning
"Increasing Student Engagement and Measuring your Students' Learning with Aplia for Statistics"
Presented by Jessica BrightMendenhall Room
Do your students struggle to understand the bigger picture in Statistics? Hosted by Cengage Learning, this session will demonstrate how Aplia helps make statistics relevant and engaging to students by connecting real-world examples to course concepts. Students receive immediate, detailed explanations for every answer, while their grades are automatically recorded in the Aplia gradebook. Gradebook Analytics allows instructors to easily compare individual students' scores with class averages, analyze individual student performance on specific questions, and track performance by class distribution. Aplia for Statistics provides instructors with the tools needed to maximize the value of the lecture, and also to provide personalized help for individual students - by knowing exactly where they stand in the course, instructors can meet their students right where they are.
Pearson Higher Education
"StatCrunch - The Latest Developments"
Presented by Webster WestHope Room
This presentation will cover the newest developments in StatCrunch software. The demonstration will focus on the first Java-free version of StatCrunch set for release later in Summer 2013. This new version provides a number of exciting new features, and it is accessible from almost any desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet. Special emphasis will be placed on how these developments may impact the statistics classroom.
W.H. Freeman
"Motivating and Preparing Your Students with New Media Resources from W.H. Freeman"
Presented by Roland Cheyney, Steve Thomas, and Karen CarsonReynolds Room
Media in statistics, used both inside the classroom and in homework, can be a powerful tool to convey important concepts and skills that students will need in their future coursework and careers. This demonstration will show new Freeman media resources, including assignable and assessable videos, applets/software, and formative quizzing. These resources promote skills (including the skills related to learning effectively), concepts, and student motivation that are expressly promoted in national standards, including the Common Core, GAISE, and other efforts in statistics education.
Exhibitor Short Demonstrations
Friday, May 17th from 4:30 to 5:00 pm
Hawkes Learning
"A Visual Way of Teaching Statistics"
Presented by Jennifer MooreCameron Room
Grasping statistical concepts is a challenging task for Statistics students and can often be a crucial factor for success. Improve student understanding of statistical concepts and problem-solving skills through visualization and mastery-based homework software. Hawkes Learning Systems engages students and drives them to master the skills at unprecedented rates. On top of that, instructors save valuable time with an automated grading system, complete with detailed student reports. Join us to learn more about how Hawkes can help you and your students. The presentation will conclude with a little fun: a raffle for a $100 Amazon Gift Card!
McGraw-Hill Higher Education
"Mastering Concepts Online with LearnSmart"
Presented by Holly RhodesSmith Room
Many statistics students may be able to complete the calculations required, but often struggle to interpret the concept and real-world context beyond the numeric answer. It can also be difficult for instructors to gauge where each student's strengths and weaknesses lie across learning objectives. In this presentation we'll take a closer look at the adaptive technology solution McGraw-Hill has developed to address these concerns while also helping students retain these concepts over time.