
  • This site gives an explanation, a definition and an example of chi-square goodness of fit test. Topics include chi-square test statistics, tests for discrete and continuous distributions.
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  • This site gives an explanation, a definition and an example of two-way tables and the chi-square test. Topics include: categorical data analysis for two variables, and tests of association.
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  • The user is be able to change the mean and the standard deviation using the sliders and see the density change graphically. The check buttons (68, 95, 99) will help one realize the appropriate percentages of the area under the curve. An example of thiis "68-95-99.7" rule follows.
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  • This online introductory statistics textbook covers basic descriptive, statistical, and graphical procedures for analyzing data sets and contains three data sets and a practice final exam. Chapter headings include: Descriptive Statistics, Probability, Resampling, Discrete Probability Models, Continuous Probability Models, Central Limit Theorem, Confidence Intervals, Tests of Hypotheses, Estimation of Effect: Two Independent Samples, Design of Experiments, and Regression. The relation to this site includes exercises.
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  • This applet generates a graph of the sampling distribution of sample means and displays the probabilities associated with that distribution. Users enter the mean and standard deviation of the source population and the size of the samples. The applet also calculates the standard error of the sample means.

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  • This page generates a graph of the sampling distribution of the difference between two means and displays the probabilities associated with that distribution. Users enter the population standard deviation and the sample sizes, Na and Nb. The applet also calculates the standard error of the sample mean difference.

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  • Gives a very brief explanation of Spearman' rho and how it differs from Pearson's r.
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  • This site provides case studies which cover subject areas including: analysis of variance, boxplots, confidence intervals, contrast among means, correlated t-test, correlation, histograms, independent groups t-test, regression, repeated measures ANOVA, and t-tests.
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  • This applet allows you to manipulate the starting population, age-class survival rates, and age-class fecundity rates over 10 generations for up to 6 age classes. The default gives you the same population size for each age class as well as the same fecundity rate and survival rates. Move the sliders for each age class to manipulate each of these factors. You will see the relative proportions of each age class will change over time, but will eventually reach a stable age distribution.
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  • This source defines and explains variance and standard deviation.
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