Design of Experiments

  • That's not an experiment you have there, that's an experience. Ronald A. Fisher (1890-1962.) Quoted in "Statistics", third edition, by David Freedman, Robert Pisani, and Roger Purves (Norton, 1998)
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  • This website serves as an online textbook for introductory statistics, covering topics such as summarizing and presenting data, producing data, variation and probability, statistical inference, and control charts.
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  • This article presents a dataset based on an industrial case study using design of experiments. It can be used to discuss sample size, power, statistical significance, interaction terms, Type I and Type II errors, the role and importance of the error term, design of experiments, and analysis of variance.
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  • This article presents a dataset from an experiment designed to test if increased reproduction reduces longevity for male fruitflies. The data are in .dat format. Key Words: Analysis of variance; Contrasts; Experimental design; Regression; Precision; Statistical interaction; Survival analysis.
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  • This article describes a dataset containing Major League Baseball data from seasons 1969 through 2000 and illustrates how this data can be used as a course long project covering basic data management, the use of exploratory data analysis to "clean" data, and construction of regression models. The data is in .dat format.
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  • This article describes data from a drug interaction study of a new drug and a standard oral contraceptive therapy. Both normal theory and distribution-free statistical analyses are provided along with a notable amount of graphical insight into the dataset.
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  • This group activity focuses on conducting an experiment to determine which of two brands of paper towels are more absorbent by measuring the amount of water absorbed. A two-sample t-test can be used to analyze the data, or simple graphics and descriptive statistics can be used as an exploratory analysis. Students are asked to think about design issues, and to write a short report stating their results and conclusions, along with an evaluation of the experimental design. Key words: Two-sample t-test

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  • The applets in this section demonstrate basic issues of experimental design. The Poor Experimental Design ignores randomization rules and allows for increased experimental error. The Improved Experimental Design offers improvement over the first design by adding randomization and reducing experimental error. Both applets require the input of several participants. The purpose of the applets is to test the reaction times between a participant's dominant and non-dominant hand. This page was formerly located at
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  • In this free online video program, "a two-way table of counts displays the relationship between two ways of classifying people or things. This program concerns inference about two-way tables, covering use of the chi-square test and null hypothesis in determining the relationship between two ways of classifying a case. The methods are used to investigate a possible relationship between a worker's gender and the type of job he or she holds."
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  • In this free online video program, students will learn that "statistics can be used to evaluate anecdotal evidence. This program distinguishes between observational studies and experiments and reviews basic principles of design including comparison, randomization, and replication. Case material from the Physician's Health Study on heart disease demonstrates the advantages of a double-blind experiment."
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