
  • This FLASH based applet illustrates the sampling distribution of the mean. This applet allows the user to pick a population from over 2000 pre-defined populations. The user can then choose size of the random sample to select. The applet can produce random samples in one, 10, 100, or 1000 at a time. The resulting means are illustrated on a histogram. The histogram has an outline of the normal distribution and vertical lines at 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations. The applet can be viewed at the original site or downloaded to the instructors machine.
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  • Song of a student forging a commitment to learn major concepts and tools of mathematical probability. May be sung to the tune of "Mr. Tambourine Man" (Bob Dylan).
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  • Song relates basic facts (e.g., its parameters and symmetry) about normal curve and standardized z-scores. May be sung to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree" (traditional). Musical accompaniment realization and vocals are by Joshua Lintz from University of Texas at El Paso.
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  • Song consists of the meaning of a p-value. May be sung to the tune of "Roll out the Barrel" (Lew Brown, Wladimir A. Timm, Vasek Zeman and Jaromir Vejvoda). Musical accompaniment realization and vocals are by Joshua Lintz from University of Texas at El Paso.
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  • Song is an informal overview introducing the conceptual steps of the scientific method. Recorded on the CD "Science Songs and Stories For the Big Questions", available at www.kathleencarroll.com.
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  • A cartoon that can be used in teaching about pie charts. Cartoon by John Landers (www.landers.co.uk) based on an idea from Dennis Pearl (The Ohio State University). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
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  • Song playfully depicts a college student struggling to master statistics at the hands of authority figures. May be sung to the tune of "Satisfaction" (Mick Jagger, Keith Richards).
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  • Statistician's "breakup" song is filled with 2 dozen puns from a variety of (mostly first-year) statistical terms. Song is a 12-bar blues, with the words in parentheses more spoken than sung during the final 2 bars of each 12. Appeared in Winter 2002 "STATS" and Spring 2004 "The Pi".
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  • I am not accustomed to saying anything with certainty after only one or two observations. is a quote by Flemish anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564). The quote is found in "Epistola rationem modumque propinandi radicis Chynae decocti".
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  • This tutorial exposes students to conducting t-tests in SPSS. This html based tutorial provides extensive screen shots and two example data sets. Topics covered in the tutorial include one sample, paired and independent samples t-tests and conducting transformations (such as a difference) of the data.

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