eCOTS 2024 - Workshop and Breakout Information

The 2024 Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics theme is "What's Next?  Moving Forward". The Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate of Statistics Education will host the conference from June 10th to June 13th.  The conference will include hour-long invited speakers, thirty or seventy-minute breakout sessions, birds of feather sessions, poster sessions, and regional face-to-face/online conferences.  There will also be online workshops on June 7th and 14th.

Our students may be undergraduate students, AP statistics students, or pre-service teachers learning to teach statistics to others.  We have identified four tracks to prepare our students, and each presenter will select a track from the list below. 
•    Moving Forward - What's Next in Technology? 
•    Moving Forward - What's Next in Pedagogy? 
•    Moving Forward - What's Next in Content? 
•    Past, Present, and Future of Statistics/Data Science

The conference will have channels in Slack for additional conversations about these topics. 



  • Dec. 30th: Deadline for breakout sessions, workshops, and reading groups
  • Jan. 1st: Deadline for Activity Contests
  • Jan. 28th: Deadline for First Round of Posters with feedback
  • Feb. 28th: Deadline for BoF
  • March 17th Second round of posters (no feedback) + First Round Re-submitted with Revisions


Birds of a Feather

One of the great opportunities of the electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics (eCOTS, to be held June 10th through June 13th) is to have conversations with other statistics and data science educators. Facilitated conversations about a common topic, called birds-of-a-feather discussions, help to accomplish this.  

Please describe a birds-of-a-feather topic for which you would like to facilitate discussion. This discussion is not a formal presentation but rather an opportunity to ask questions and exchange ideas with a group of statistics and data science educators. These sessions will occur in Zoom breakout rooms.




This call for workshops requests 2 or 4-hour workshops on a particular topic.  Audience engagement during these sessions is highly encouraged.  These workshops will be before and after the conference on June 7th and 14th.  

A minimum of two reviewers will review each submitted proposal.





This call for breakout sessions is requesting either 30  or 70 minute webinars on a particular topic. Seventy-minute sessions should have at least one time for discussions in breakout rooms. In contrast, thirty-minute sessions would be more suitable for demonstrations of software or activities using polling software, or Google documents for audience engagement, etc. Audience engagement during these sessions is highly encouraged.

For presentations on the first three days of the conference, participants will vote on what they consider the hot topic. The hot topic selected for each day will have a birds of a feather session on the last day of the conference so that participants can ask questions to the presenters.