College --Undergrad Upper Division

  • A brief introduction to the use of statistical quality control charts for analyzing, monitoring, and improving health care processes. After an overview of key concepts, several examples illustrate control chart use and interpretation. The article concludes with some common pitfalls to avoid and references for further exploration.
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  • Video that explains more about control chart in statistical quality control.
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  • This is a pdf version of a textbook that is dedicated to all topics involving statistical quality control. It provides comprehensive coverage of the subject from basic principles to state-of-the-art concepts and applications. The objective is to give the reader a sound understanding of the principles and the basis for applying them in a variety of situations
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  • This resource contains notes from different sources on the topic of statistical quality control.
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  • A thesis written on the topic of statistical quality control that provides good information about the history and use of SQC.
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  • Resource that gives a definition, objectives, tools for statistical quality control.
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  • Provides a link that leads to a direct download of a powerpoint about statistical quality control.
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  • This site did a lot of data visualization on many hot button topics. They provide the raw data that they used to create their graphs at this page. These data sets are kept in Google Doc spreadsheets.
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  • The Census Bureau has made many data visualizations of the data it collects. It is a good collections of maps, treemaps, an age/sex pyramid, and of course more familiar graphs, like bar graphs.
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  • A game to aid in teaching experimental design and significance testing (especially one sample, two sample, and matched pair situations). Tangrams are puzzles in which a person is expected to place geometrically shaped pieces into a particular design. The on-line Tangram Game provides students the opportunity to design many versions of the original game in order to test which variables have the largest effect on game completion time. A full set of student and instructor materials are available and were created by Kevin Comiskey (West Point), Rod Sturdivant (Ohio State University) and Shonda Kuiper (Grinnell College) as part of the Stat2Labs collection.

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