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Statistical Topic

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  • A cartoon to be used in class discussions that introduce basic queueing theory. The cartoon was used in the August, 2017 CAUSE cartoon caption contest and the winning caption was submitted by Larry Lesser from The University of Texas at El Paso. The cartoon was drawn by British cartoonist John Landers ( based on an idea by Dennis Pearl from Penn State University.

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  • The page calculates summary statistics for any dataset. Users will be prompted for sample size when opening this page. The calculator returns mean, sum of X, sum of X^2, variance, standard deviation, and standard error. Key word: Descriptive statistics.

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  • To perform calculations using Bayes' theorem, enter the probability for one or the other of the items in each of the following pairs (the remaining item in each pair will be calculated automatically). A probability value can be entered as either a decimal fraction such as .25 or a common fraction such as 1/4

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  • This song extols the value of Bayesian thinking. The song was written by Mark Glickman and may be sung to the tune of The Zombie's 1968 song "Time of the Season" written by Rod Argent. The mp3 was recorded on May 24 2008 (Mark Glickman - vocals). This song was first performed live in June 2006 at "Eighth Valencia World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics" in Benidorm, Spain, by Mark Glickman, Brad Carlin, Jennifer Hill, and David Heckerman.

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  • A song to teach various concepts in probability. Written by Mary Pat Campbell for Mathcamp 2002 at Colorado College. May be sung to the tune of "Take a Chance on Me" by ABBA. Musical accompaniment realization by Joshua Lintz and vocals by Mariana Sandoval from University of Texas at El Paso.

    Average: 5 (1 vote)
  • JChart2D is a minimalistic charting library published under the OSI approved GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. It is designed for displaying multiple traces consisting of tracepoints. JChart2D is centered around a single configurable swing widget: the Chart2D. It is a JComponent that one can add to a java swing user interface. Therefore basic knowledge of java awt and swing and the information provided on this site is helpful. JChart2D is intended for engineering tasks and not for presentations. It's specialty is run time - dynamic precise display of data with a minimal configuration overhead.

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  • jCharts is a 100% Java based charting utility that outputs a variety of charts. This package has been designed from the ground up by volunteers for displaying charts via Servlets, JSP's, and Swing apps.

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  • JOpenChart is a free Java Toolkit and library for embedding charts into different kinds of applications, no matter if they are server side, desktop or web applications.

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  • JFreeDesigner is a graphical report definition designer for JFreeReport. It allows the user to edit the xml source code of a report and to use a graphical WYSIWYG-editor to define the layout of the elements. This designer is currently in the early alpha state. At the moment most of the more advanced functionality is missing, but the current state allows you to edit the elements of a report.

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  • JCommon is a collection of useful classes used by JFreeChart, JFreeReport and other projects. The library includes: text utilities, user interface classes for displaying information about applications, custom layout managers, a date chooser panel, serialization utilities, and XML parser support classes.

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