
  • Making AP Statistics Work - II

    David Spohn, Hudson High School
    Tuesday, August 8, 2006 - 2:00pm ET
    This 30-minute webinar is the second in a two-part series on the AP Statistics experience. The first part focused on the AP exam and its grading. This second part will focus on the teaching of the AP course. David Spohn, an experienced AP Statistics teacher, will discuss the curriculum of AP, insights on his own teaching, and resources that are available to AP Statistics teachers.Watch Webinar Recording (FLASH)
  • Making AP Statistics Work - II

    Jackie Miller, The Ohio State University; and David Spohn, Hudson High School
    Tuesday, July 11, 2006 - 12:00pm ET
    This 30-minute webinar focuses on the AP Statistics experience. David Spohn, an experienced AP Statistics teacher will discuss the curriculum of AP, insights on his own teaching, and resources that are available to AP Statistics teachers. Dr. Jackie Miller, a table leader for the AP reading, will talk about the AP Statistics reading experience from the point of view of a college faculty member, while David Spohn adds in his experiences as a high school reader. (We'll also provide information on how to get involved in the AP Statistics reading.) The webinar will close with suggestions from participants on what they believe should await AP Statistics students once they reach college.Watch Webinar Recording (FLASH)
  • Planning the use of an online resource in the statistics class

    Roger Woodard, North Carolina State University; and Ginger Rowell, Middle Tennessee State University
    Tuesday, June 13, 2006 - 2:00pm ET
    Many people would like to use online resources in their classrooms. However, the typical online applet does not have supporting materials that allow the teacher to introduce them into the classroom. Instructors that simply point students to a website without specific instructions and planning may find that the students do not achieve the desired learning outcomes from using the applet. In this webinar we will present a basic framework that instructors can use to plan and implement the use of online materials in the classroom. We will illustrate these with examples that we have used in our courses.Watch Webinar Recording (FLASH)
  • Real-Time Online Hands-on Activities for Introductory Statistics

    Carl Lee, Central Michigan University
    Tuesday, May 9, 2006 - 2:00pm ET
    Do you use hands-on activities in your class? Would you be interested in using data collected by students from different classes at different institutions? Would you be interested in sharing your students' data with others? Does it take more time than you would like to spend in your class for hands-on activities? Do you have to enter the hands-on activity data yourself after the class period?If your answer to any of the above questions is "YES", then, this Real-Time Online Database approach should be beneficial to your class.In this presentation, we will (1) introduce the real-time online database (stat.cst.cmich.edu/statact) funded by a NSF/CCL grant, (2) demonstrate how to use the real-time database to teach introductory statistics using two of the real-time activities and (3) share with you some of the assessment activities including activity work sheets and projects.Watch Webinar Recording (FLASH)
  • Making Statistics Learning Fun

    Larry Lesser, University of Texas at El Paso
    Tuesday, April 11, 2006 - 2:00pm ET
    This webinar will include a tour of the new CAUSEWeb fun page, showing some sample songs, jokes, and cartoons conducted by Larry Lesser. Participants will also engage in a discussion of the pedagogical issues involved in teaching with humor and will be provided resources and a bibliography on the topic. Join us to learn how to make learning fun!Viewers of this webinar might also enjoy reading Lesser's article in issues 48 and 49 of STATS: The Magazine for Students of Statistics.Watch Webinar Recording (FLASH)
  • Using the ARTIST website to develop assessments for introductory statistics

    Bob delMas & Ann Ooms, University of Minnesota
    Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 2:00pm ET
    Please join us for a tour of the Assessment Resource Tools for Improving Statistical Thinking (ARTIST) web site. During this webinar, ARTIST team members Bob delMas and Ann Ooms will guide you through the ARTIST website. The tour will include an overview of an online collection of literature on assessment in statistics education, much of which can be accessed online or downloaded. Resources for creating alternative forms of assessment such as student projects will also be presented. You will also learn about efficient ways to create assessments from items from the ARTIST Item Database using a tool known as the Assessment Builder. By the end of the session, you will have learned how to select assessment items and download them in a format that can be edited with a word processor.The ARTIST team members will also be available to answer questions. For further information about ARTIST, please visit our website at https://app.gen.umn.edu/artist/.Watch Webinar Recording (FLASH)
  • Using StatCrunch as a computational tool in introductory statistics

    Webster West, University of South Carolina
    Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 2:00pm ET
    StatCrunch (www.statcrunch.com) is a freely available Web-based data analysis package. StatCrunch has all of the routines required for introductory statistics and many more. The software also offers pedagogical features such as interactive graphics. Many of these capabilities will be discussed and demonstrated.Watch Webinar Recording (FLASH)
  • Putting Your Spotlight on CAUSEweb

    Jackie Miller, The Ohio State University
    Tuesday, January 10, 2006 - 2:00pm ET
    Submitting your spotlight presentation from USCOTS 2005 to CAUSEweb is an easy process, and you are in a prime position to submit your work! What better way to have your work showcased than in a peer-reviewed repository of contributions to statistics education? This Webinar will be an opportunity to talk about how to prepare your USCOTS spotlight for submission to CAUSEweb and to discuss the benefits of submission. Please join us to discuss how to put the spotlight on CAUSEweb.Watch Webinar Recording (FLASH)
