
  • Teaching Data Science with SAS® University Edition and JupyterLab

    Brian Gaines (SAS)
    Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - 2:00pm ET
    One of the interfaces that SAS® University Edition includes is the popular JupyterLab interface. You can use this open-source interface to generate dynamic notebooks that easily incorporate SAS® code and results into documents such as course materials and analytical reports. The ability to seamlessly interweave code, results, narrative text, and mathematical formulas all into one document provides students with practical experience in creating reports and effectively communicating results. In addition, the use of an executable document facilitates collaboration and promotes reproducible research and analyses. After a brief overview of SAS University Edition, this paper describes JupyterLab, discusses examples of using it to learn data science with SAS, and provides tips. SAS University Edition, which is available at no charge to educators and learners for academic, noncommercial use, includes SAS® Studio, Base SAS®, SAS/STAT®, and SAS/IML® software and some other analytical capabilities. Sponsored by SAS Global Academic Programs
  • JMP: Data Visualization - An Essential Component of Data Analyses

    Kevin Potcner (JMP Academic Programs)
    Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - 2:00pm ET
    Rich visualizations of data not only helps the analyst with exploring hidden features in data, but is an essential tool in presenting and communicating results bringing the data to life. In this webinar, the presenter will show how the JMP Statistical Discovery Software is an excellent tool to use in the classroom to help students incorporate visualization into their analyses.Sponsored by JMP Academic Programs