Jana Asher (Slippery Rock University) and Jeffrey Musyt (Slippery Rock University)
Thursday, June 24, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm ET
Thursday, June 24, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm ET
Friday, June 25, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm ET
Many undergraduate statistics educators utilize experiential learning--either through having students create, implement, and analyze their own surveys, or by having the class create, implement, and analyze a survey on behalf of another organization. However, few make use of a robust community-engaged framework for this activity which includes six fundamental principles: reciprocal partnerships that engage community partners in course design and students in community activities; community activities which enhance student learning; civic competencies which are integrated into student learning; exposure to diversity of culture, ethnicity, and thought; critical reflection that is integrated into student learning; and assessment for continuous course improvement. This workshop will be a "bootcamp" on community-engaged learning. Participants will not only learn the principles behind community-engaged learning, they will also explore a three-stage framework for their own development as practitioners of community-engaged learning. Finally, potential learning outcomes specifically around civic learning will be introduced and discussed. Participants should have some experience teaching an undergraduate algebra-based elementary statistics course.
This workshop will be very hands-on; participants should have access to a computer, laptop, or tablet that has the Microsoft suite installed, high-speed Internet access, paper and a writing implement. Google Chromebooks/smartphones are not recommended. Handouts will be provided as pdf documents that participants will be able to print out and use for note-taking, so a printer is desirable but not required. In addition, participants should have their most recent syllabus for an algebra-based elementary statistics class available as a Microsoft Word file on the computer they are using.