Friday Lunch
Table Number | Topic | Discussion Leader(s) |
1 | Teaching multi-course sections; incorporating technology | Paul Velleman |
3 | Students' challenges and difficulties in learning statistics | Marsha Lovett |
5 | K-12 teacher preparation | Christine Franklin |
7 | AP Statistics -- why should I be a reader??? | Jackie Miller |
9 | Assessment issues in teaching statistics | ARTIST Team |
11 | Using students' surveys to generate examples | William Harkness |
13 & 14 | Advances in statistics education and the undergraduate curriculum (two tables) | George Cobb, Dick Scheaffer, and Ann Watkins |
15 | Developing statistics majors/minors | Robin Lock |
17 | The role of software tools in developing statistical reasoning | Bill Finzer and Clifford Konold |
19 | Teaching statistics in other disciplines | Sterling Hilton |
21 | Teaching statistics in a hands-on interactive environment | Martha Aliaga |
23 | Graduate student round table discussion: the life of a statistics graduate teaching assistant | Cheryl LeSaint and Marian Frazier |
25 | How an elementary stat course can help achieve the expected outcomes for an undergraduate minor | George McCabe and Ellen Gundlach |
27 | Teaching statistics in a community college: what resources do you need? | Mary Parker |
9 | Teaching with big ideas and common threads | Deborah Rumsey |
All Other Tables | Choose Your Own Topic! | Open Forum! |
Saturday Lunch
Table Number | Topic | Discussion Leader(s) |
1 | Incorporating activities and simulations | Christine Franklin |
3 | Alternatives to lecturing | Joan Garfield |
5 | The challenges of teaching introductory statistics | Roxy Peck |
7 | Finding good examples | Robert Johnson |
9, 10, & 20 | Reserved: CAUSEweb Thursday Workshop participants (3 tables) | Roger Woodard / Ginger Rowell |
11 | The 2nd statistics course and beyond | Richard Scheaffer |
13 | My best/worst day teaching | Mark Earley |
15 | ASA-AMATYC committee members and other interested parties | Brian Smith |
17 | Teaching with technology | Rob Gould |
21 | Using activities in the intro stat course | Jeff Witmer |
23 | Teaching to engineers and other scientific disciplines | William Navidi |
25 | The 2nd course in statistics | John Holcomb |
27 | CAUSE and its initiatives | Dennis Pearl |
All Other Tables | Choose Your Own Topic! | Open Forum! |