Christine Franklin, University of Georgia
Gary Kader, Appalachian State University.
This breakout session reports on an American Statistical Association project which developed ASA-endorsed guidelines for teaching and learning statistics at the Pre K-12 level. The session is appropriate for all stakeholders involved with Pre K-12 statistical education including educators involved with teacher preparation. A group of leading statistics and mathematics educators developed the report, "A Curriculum Framework for Pre K-12 Statistics Education". These guidelines complement the NCTM Principals and Standards of School Mathematics - providing additional guidance and clarity on the data analysis strand. A major goal of the document is to describe a statistically literate high school graduate and, through a connected curriculum, provide steps to achieve this goal. Topics for discussion include:
Developing statistical literacy within the Pre K-12 mathematics curriculum
Links to the NCTM Standards
Key components and concepts associated with the data analysis process
Examples illustrating connections in key statistical concepts across all grade levels
The connection between the Pre K-12 guidelines and the recommended guidelines for the college introductory course
Christine Franklin is a Lecturer and Honors Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Georgia. She has been actively involved at the national level with promoting statistical education at the Pre K-12 level since the early 1990's. Chris serves as vice chair on the ASA Advisory Committee for Teacher Enhancement and served as chair of the steering committee that planned the ASA sponsored inaugural conference in statistics for teacher educators (TEAMS) that was held in October 2003. She chairs the ASA project, GAISE, for developing Pre K-12 guidelines in statistical education. She is chair-elect of the ASA Section on Statistical Education and is a Fellow of ASA.
Gary Kader is a Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Appalachian State Univeristy. Over the past 20 years his professional interests have focused on the teaching and learning of statistics, especially as it relates to preparing teachers to teach statistics in the schools (K-12). He has been involved with several statistical education projects related to teacher preparation funded by National Science Foundation. He was a lead writer and the facilitator for the K-8 Data Analysis Strand of the Learning Math Project (2002), a series of videos and an on-line course with streaming video for teacher preparation. This project was funded by Annenberg/CPB and produced by WGBH Educational Programming in Boston, MA. He was a member of writing team for the ASA report A Curriculum Framework for Pre K-12 Statistics Education (2005). He is member of the Joint ASA/NCTM Committee on Curriculum in Grades K-12. He and his colleague, Mike Perry, are collaborating to write a textbook for preparing teachers to teach statistics in the schools, grades K-8.
Handout (PDF)