
  • This page will calculate the 0.95 and 0.99 confidence intervals for rho, based on the Fisher r-to-z transformation. To perform the calculations, enter the values of r and n in the designated places, then click the "Calculate" button. Note that the confidence interval of rho is symmetrical around the observed r only with large values of n.

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  • In this applet, we simulate a series of hypothesis of tests for the value of the parameter p in a Bernoulli random variable. Each column of red and green marks represents a sample of 30 observations. "Successes'' are coded by green marks and "failures'' by red marks.

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  • This chapter of the HyperStat Online Textbook discusses in detail sampling distributions of various statistics (mean, median, proportions, correlation, etc.), differences between such statistics, the Central Limit Theorem, and standard error, giving formulas, examples, and exercises.

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  • (Uses JAVA)  Some basic statistical analysis tools that allow the user to input their own data or use the pre-existing data and perform the desired test (e.g ANOVA, Descriptive, t-test, chi-square, correlation and regression).

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