
  • A cartoon to teach about the Geometric distribution. Cartoon by John Landers (www.landers.co.uk) based on an idea from Pat McCann (Franklin Universiity). Free to use in the classroom and on course web sites.
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  • This page provides distribution calculators for the binomial, normal, Student's T, Chi-square, and Fisher's F distributions. Users set the parameters and enter either the probability or the test statistic and the calculators return the missing value.
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  • This applet demonstrates the Binomial distribution by simulating Galton's Board, dropping balls through a triangular array of nails. When a ball hits a nail, it has a 50 percent chance of falling to the left or the right. Because Galton's Board consists of a series of experiments, the piles under the board are the sum of n random variables, where n is the number of rows of nails on the board.
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  • This applet demonstrates the Normal approximation to the Poisson Distribution. Users can set the rate, lambda (‘é), and the number of trials, n, and observe how the shape of the distribution changes. The Poisson distribution is shown in blue, and the Normal distribution is shown in red.
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  • This applet allows users to input their own data and perform one- and two-way Analyses of Variance. Key Word: ANOVA.

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  • This applet allows users to draw a curve on a graph, and then displays the polynomial fit of the curve.
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  • This online textbook covers the following probability and statistics topics: Independence; Venn Diagrams; Bayes's Theorem; Counting; Binomial Expansion; Binomial Distribution; Continuous Distributions; Infinitesimals in Probability; Averaging; Variance; Gaussian Distribution; Random Walks; Correlation; Causation; Linear Regression; Unbiased Estimators; Hypothesis Testing; Shape of the Distribution; Variance of Mean Differences.
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  • This page explains simple linear regression with an example on muscle strength versus lean body mass.
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  • This applet simulates drawing samples from a binomial distribution. Users set the population proportion of success (pi), sample size (n), and number of samples. By clicking "Draw Samples," the applet will draw a sample and display the corresponding sample histogram. Each new sample drawn is added to the previous ones unless the user clicks "Reset" between samples. Users can choose to display the number and proportion of successes above or below a certain value (tail probabilities) by entering a value in the "Num Successes" box and clicking "Count." The portion of the distribution that meets the condition is highlighted in red, and the proportion of success is given at the bottom of the page. Clicking the inequality sign changes its direction. Clicking "Theo Values" displays the theoretical distribution in green on top of the empirical. Instructions and an activity for this applet can be found in the textbook "Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, and Methods" (ISCAM) in Lesson 3.2.2 on page 205.

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  • This dataset comes from a study on two treatment sequences (AB, BA) given to 14 healthy male volunteers randomly assigned to a two-period crossover design. Three pharmacokinetic variables were collected on the subjects at the end of each treatment period. Questions this study focused on refer to whether the treatments (A,B)are equivalent. A text file version of the data is found in the relation link.
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