Resource Library

Statistical Topic

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  • This page lists the laboratories and java projects for a course in advanced statistics.
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  • This part of the NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook contains case studies for Exploratory Data Analysis. Some of the topics include normal and uniform random numbers, reliability using airplane glass failure times, and analysis of primary factors using ceramic strength.
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  • This Electronic Statistics Textbook offers training in the understanding and application of statistics ... and covers a wide variety of applications, including laboratory research (biomedical, agricultural, etc.), business statistics and forecasting, social science statistics and survey research, data mining, engineering and quality control applications, and many others. Quoted from the index page of the text.
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  • A useful site for instructors to learn how to create and incorporate guided notes into their classroom.
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  • This lesson deals with the statistics of political polls and ideas like sampling, bias, graphing, and measures of location. As quoted on the site, "Upon completing this lesson, students will be able to identify and differentiate between types of political samples, as well as select and use statistical and visual representations to describe a list of data. Furthermore, students will be able to identify sources of bias in samples and find ways of reducing and eliminating sampling bias." A link to a related worksheet is included.
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  • The Marble Game is a "concept model" demonstrating how a binomial distribution evolves from the occurence of a large number of dichotomous events. The more events (marble bounces) that occur, the smoother the distribution becomes.
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  • This site contains lessons which include steps, examples, and a calculator, on standard deviation, Pearson's r, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Tukey's Post Hoc Test.
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  • This pdf file gives definitions for average, standard deviation, and relative standard deviation, and works through a short problem as an example.
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  • This Java applet tutorial prompts the user to input the components of a hypothesis test for the mean. Hints are provided whenever the user enters an incorrect value. Once the steps are completed and the user has chosen the correct conclusion for accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis, a statement summarizing the conclusion is displayed. The applet is supported by an explanation of the steps in hypothesis testing and a description of one-tailed and two-tailed tests.
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  • This page introduces various measures of central tendency and spread with an example on leaf size. Two descriptive statistics calculators are provided which compute mean, median, minimum, maximum, 1st & 3rd quartiles, standard deviation, and the 95% confidence interval for the mean and tests for normality. Users type in individual data points or copy and paste the entire data set. Key Words: Five Number Summary; Mode; Interquartile Range; Variance; Range; Normal Distribution.
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