Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 191 - 196 of 196
  • Students can sample numerous bags of M&Ms. A plot of the relative frequency of each color is continually updated above the sampling frame. Each sample bag of M&Ms contains 56 candies.
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  • This lesson on the Poisson distribution explains the theory, history, and applications of the distribution and gives examples and a multiple choice test.
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  • This site discusses the issues of reliability and vailidity as related to research.
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  • This applet simulates finding confidence intervals for the mean of a normal random variable. A sample of size 20 is generated from a standard normal random variable. The blue marks represent the sample data. The sample mean X and sample standard deviation s are found and used to calculate the confidence interval. The black intervals are the confidence intervals which include the true mean 0, and the red intervals are those which exclude 0. This applet needs to be resized for optimal viewing.
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  • This page gives a short background on Student's t-test and provides three t-test calculators. Two perform t-tests for independent groups and one performs t-tests for matched pairs. Users type in individual data points or copy and paste the entire data set. Some examples are given for demonstration.
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  • This comprehensive collection of calculators provides users with resources for everything from introductory statistics to advanced statistical methods. Users can search by the following categories: Dictionaries, Courses with Calculators and Applets, Courses All Inclusive, and Statistics A-Z. Users can also search by the following statistical specialties: Agriculture, ANOVA, ANCOVA, Bayesian, Economics, Employment, Health, Information & Library Science, Psychology, Reliability Modeling, Research: Marketing and Opinion, Sampling Analysis, and SAS.
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