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Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 231 - 240 of 532
  • This applet demonstrates the Central Limit Theorem. First, select a distribution (Normal, Uniform, Skewed, Custom) and add or delete data points by clicking on the graph. Then, sample from the parent population and the distribution of the sample mean is shown. Users can also choose to see the distribution of the median, standard deviation, variance, and range.
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  • This applet demonstrates the Normal approximation to the Poisson Distribution. Users can set the rate, lambda (‘é), and the number of trials, n, and observe how the shape of the distribution changes. The Poisson distribution is shown in blue, and the Normal distribution is shown in red.
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  • This applet introduces the concept of confidence intervals. Select an alpha level, sample size, and the number of experiments, and click "Play." For each sample, the applet will show the data points as blue dots and the confidence interval as a red, vertical line. The true population mean is shown as a horizontal purple line, and green ovals indicate which intervals do not contain the true mean.
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  • This applet allows users to draw a curve on a graph, and then displays the polynomial fit of the curve.
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  • This tutorial introduces the statistical software SPSS for Windows users. Topics covered include: The Basics, Data, Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square & T-tests, Correlations & Regression, Oneway ANOVA, Factorial ANOVA.
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  • This applet generates a histogram for two provided datasets, or by clicking "Edit Data", users can input their own data. Users can also manipulate the axes and bin width.
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  • This module provides an activity were students will attempt to explain how each of the following variables is related to child poverty within the United States: Race, Age, Family Type, Family Size, and Immigrant Status.
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  • This applet generates dotplots for different data sets and allows users to guess the location of various measures of center and spread. Clicking "Resample" produces a dotplot of random data generated by the applet. A dotplot of user-input data can be generated by clicking "Edit Data" and typing or copy and pasting the data in the textbox. To guess the mean, median, standard deviation, and interquartile range (IQR) users check the "Guess Mean/Median", "Guess Deviation", or "Guess IQR" box and slide the relevant marker along the horizontal axis. When "Guess Deviation" is selected, users can also select "Show Percentages" to display the percentage of data points within the user's current guess for standard deviation. Clicking "Show Actual" displays the actual position of the selected measure on the dotplot. Clicking on an individual data point shows its value. Users can edit the data under "Edit Data" or by clicking and dragging the data points on the graph.
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  • This applet shows a scatterplot of height versus foot length. Users can add or delete points and then guess the regression line by clicking "Your Line" and moving the blue regression line. By clicking "Regression Line" users can see the actual regression line. The applet also shows the correlation and R-square for the data as well as the residuals and squared residuals for the guessed regression line and the actual regression line.
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  • HotBits is a genuine random number generator powered by radioactive decay. Simply click the "Request HotBits" link, and specify how many bytes you would like (up to 2048) and in what form you prefer them. Hexadecimal returns numbers and letters, while C language returns integers. Then click the "Get HotBits" button, and your random numbers will appear on the screen.
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