Resource Library

Statistical Topic

Advanced Search | Displaying 561 - 570 of 670
  • This online, interactive lesson on expected value provides examples, exercises, and applets in which students will explore relationships between the expected value of real-valued random variables and the center of the distribution. Students will also examine how expected values can be used to measure spread and correlation.
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  • This site gives a definition and an example of stem and leaf plots.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on special distributions provides examples, exercises, and applets covering normal, gamma, chi-square, student t, F, bivariate normal, multivariate normal, beta, weibull, zeta, pareto, logistic, lognormal, and extreme value distributions.
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  • This site gives a definition and an example of histograms.
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  • This site links to the article "Use of R as a Toolbox for Mathematical Statistics Exploration," to activities demonstrating the use of R programming language, and to the site where users can download R. Activities cover the following topics: calculation of a running variance, maximization of a non-linear function, resampling of a statistic, simple Bayesian modeling, sampling from multivariate normal, and estimation of power.
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  • This site give a definition and an example of boxplots. Topics include outliers, medians, as well as lower and upper quartiles.
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  • This collection of applets simulate many different statistical concepts such as: distributions, correlation, hypothesis testing, regression, and ANOVA.
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  • This site gives a definition and an example of scatterplots. Topics include positive and negative association.
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  • This site gives a definition and an example of numerical summaries. Topics include mean, median, quantiles, variance, and standard deviation.
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  • This site gives a definition and an example of normal distributions. Topics include assessing normality and normal probability plots.
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