Resource Library

Statistical Topic

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  • This page from the Centers for Disease Control website contains links to statistics about health and disease in the United States.
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  • This site for the Bureau of Economic Analysis contains economic information such as gross domestic product, personal income and outlays, corporate profit, etc. It addresses national, international, regional, and industry level statistics.
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  • This course features a complete set of lecture notes and problem sets with solutions. The objective of this subject is to understand the nature of manufacturing process variation and the methods for its control.
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  • This page contains links to photographs of famous statisticians. Other Keywords: picture, pictures, photo, photos, portrait, portraits.
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  • This site contains statistics on crops, food consumption, weather, and other agricultural variables.
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  • This course covers the statistical tools needed to understand empirical economic research and to plan and execute independent research projects. Provided on the site are assignments and a project idea with related materials. Topics include statistical inference, regression, generalized least squares, instrumental variables, simultaneous equations models, and the evaluation of government policies and programs.
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  • This web page contains concise historical information from the Census Bureau in either pdf or Excel format.
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  • This free online video program offers topics that "include linear growth, least squares, exponential growth, and straightening an exponential growth curve by logic. A study of growth problems in children serves to illustrate the use of the logarithm function to transform an exponential pattern into a line. The program also discusses growth in world oil production over time." This individual video is accessed by scrolling down to the "Individual Program Descriptions - 7. Models for Growth" and click the "VOD" icon at the top-right of the description.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on the Poisson process provides examples, exercises, and applets. Specific topics include the exponential distribution, gamma distribution, Poisson distribution, splitting a Poisson process, analogy with Bernoulli trials, and higher dimensional Poisson processes.
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  • This page introduces the definition of sufficient statistics and gives two examples of the use of factorization to prove sufficiency.
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