Resource Library

Advanced Search | Displaying 841 - 850 of 920
  • This page, part of the NIST Engineering Statistics handbook, describes the Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness of fit test. It contains a graph of the empirical distribution function with the cumulative distribution function, a definition of the test, the questions it answers, the assumptions that it makes, and links to other goodness of fits tests and a case study.
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  • This chapter of the NIST Engineering Statistics handbook describes how to do a production process characterization study. It contains an introduction, discussion of the assumptions, information about data collection and analysis, and case studies.
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  • This part of the NIST Engineering Statistics handbook describes different graphs and plots used in Exploratory Data Analysis.
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  • In this article, Stephen Jay Gould discusses the interpretation of the median and the shape of the distribution of lifetimes of people with mesothelioma, which he was diagnosed with. It also has links to related articles.
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  • This page is a guide to writing and using statistics in the field of science. It is aimed at biology students. It contains information on formatting and the use of tables as well as links to pages about frequency analysis, t-tests, and regression.
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  • This site lists a set of case studies that cover regression topics, random number calculations of pi, as well as limit theorems. On the individual case study pages are the descriptions and/or instructions.
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  • One of the goals for the development of the Electronic Encyclopedia of Statistical Examples and Exercises (EESEE) was to provide a wide variety of timely, real examples with real data for use in statistics classes. With each story in EESEE, several thought provoking questions were designed to make students think carefully about statistical issues raised by these applications.
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  • This site describes and explains the use of students projects and their assessment capabilities and purposes. It lists a few student projects by authors and also scoring rubrics and samples of students work.
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  • A searchable database of more than 1000 test questions for introductory statistics concepts. The user is prompted to select subject material and learning outcome expectations from a variety of question formats and then downloads the items and can edit the test with a word processor.
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  • This part of the NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook contains case studies for Exploratory Data Analysis. Some of the topics include normal and uniform random numbers, reliability using airplane glass failure times, and analysis of primary factors using ceramic strength.
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