Reference Material

  • This excerpt from Engineering Statistics Handbook gives a definition for and examples of outliers. A sub-page also discusses Grubbs' Test for Outliers
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  • A short discussion of what outliers are and their helpfulness in analyzing data.
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  • This video is an example of what is known in psychology as selective attention. When a person is instructed to only focus on the number of times a ball is passed between players wearing a white shirt it is sometimes difficult to see what else is going on.
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  • An independent, nonpartisan resource on trends in American public opinion. Gives examples of recent polls, margins of error, questions asked, and sample sizes.
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  • As described in the web page itself: "This document was prepared as an illustration of the use of both t tests and correlation/regression analysis in drawing conclusions from data in an actual study." The study compares athletic performance of swimmers that are optimists vs. pessimists.
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  • This page was written as instructions for a SAS lab assignment, but the example can be used with other programs. The study compares three treatments for rape victims against each other and a control group to see which treatment is most effective at reducing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms.
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  • This page provides survey data on the sexual activity of male and female subjects and discusses choosing appropriate statistics to describe the data as well as reporting bias. It also links to a Chance article about the same study.
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  • This site is a collection of data that contains the results of the Olympic track and field events. It contains the times not only of the winners, but of all the contestants.
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  • JCommon is a collection of useful classes used by JFreeChart, JFreeReport and other projects. The library includes: text utilities, user interface classes for displaying information about applications, custom layout managers, a date chooser panel, serialization utilities, and XML parser support classes.

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  • The JCCKit is a small library and flexible framework for creating scientific charts and plots works on java platform. 

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