Using an Interactive Computer System to Teach Statistical Methods in Education

Caffarella, E. P.
Los Angeles

This paper discusses the use of an interactive computer system as a major component of instruction for the graduate level introductory educational statistics course at the University of Maine at Orono. Four major computer topics are covered in the statistics course: (1) terminal and computer operation, (2) Montana State University Interactive Statistical Analysis Program (MSUSTAT), (3) the CMS Editor, and (4) the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). These topics are introduced sequentially during the first six weeks of the semester. The major objective is for the students to be able to use SPSS; the other three topics provide the prerequisite skills. Four references are listed and the appendices include a course syllabus for the summer, 1981; instructions on how to use the Interactive Statistics Program; instructions for using the terminal; three study guides; and instructions for card order and deck setup for generating and processing SPSS files. (CHC)

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education