Use Of Statistical Methods In Agriculture And Allied Fields

Proceedings of the sixth international conference on teaching statistics, Developing a statistically literate society
Verma, U.
Phillips, B.
International Statistical Institute

Statistical Science is concerned with the twin aspect of theory of design of experiments and sample surveys and drawing valid inferences there from using various statistical techniques/methods. The art of drawing valid conclusions depends on how the data have been collected and analysed. Depending upon the objective of the study, one has to choose an appropriate statistical procedure to test the hypothesis. When the number of observations is large or when the researcher is interested in multifarious aspects or some time series study, such calculations are very tedious and time consuming on a desk calculator. In this context, it is essential that the manpower engaged in teaching and research is to be trained in the applications of various statistical techniques / methods through the use of computer. An attempt has been made to cover computer aided analysis (using various statistical packages) related to Descriptive Statistics, Test of Significance, Design and Analysis of Experiment, Non parametric method, Forecasting through time-series models and some Financial analysis etc. A healthy group discussion (through practical exercises) can also be held on most commonly used statistical techniques. Computing platform will involve both the environment i.e. DOS as well as Windows 2000.

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
