Stacking Up The Course! An Evaluation Of The Statistics In Action Course In South Africa

Proceedings of the sixth international conference on teaching statistics, Developing a statistically literate society
Naidoo, N. & Worku, S.
Phillips, B.
International Statistical Institute

Statistics in Action (STAC) is a course designed to explain the processes involved in a survey. The course was designed by Statistics Sweden (SCB) for their internal staff. SCB has bilateral agreements with Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) and one of the initiatives of this partnership is the STAC course. Seven STAC courses were presented at Stats SA during the period 1997 to 2001. On each occasion two consultants from SCB presented the course. In 1998 and 2001 facilitators from Stats SA co-presented the course. The size of the groups ranged from 15-20 participants. Since its inception in South Africa a total of 115 employees from Stats SA and two each from the Department of Justice and the Department of Labour were trained. This paper attempts to establish the usefulness of the course and to determine if it has enhanced the participants' knowledge of the survey process. Should the course be continued at Stats SA? Can the course serve as an instrument to address statistical literacy within the National Statistics System (NSS)?

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education