Lecture Examples

  • This page will calculate r_s , the Spearman rank- order correlation coefficient, for a bivariate set of paired XY rankings. As the page opens, you will be prompted to enter the number of items for which there are paired rankings. If you are starting out with raw (unranked) data, the necessary rank-ordering will be performed automatically.

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  • For n = 50 to 400, in steps of size 5, this program computes and displays (1) the exact probability P(|A_n - p| >= epsilon), where A_n is the average outcome of n Bernoulli trials with probability p of success, and (2) the Chebyshev estimate p(1-p)/(n(epsilon^2)) for this probability. You can specify p and epsilon.
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  • These lecture notes are composed of nearly 180 PowerPoint slides that have been coverted to a pdf file (6 per page) on Biomedical Imaging. The following topics are outlined: Vocabulary, Displaying Data, Central Tendency and Variability, Normal Z-scores, Standardized Distribution, Probability, Samples & Sampling Error, Type I and Type II Errors, Power of a Test, Hypothesis Testing, One Sample Tests, Two Independent Sample Tests, Two Dependent Sample Tests & Estimation, Correlation and Regression Techniques, Non-Parametric Statistical Tests, Applications of Central Limit Theorem, Law of Large Numbers, Design of Studies and Experiments, Fisher's F-Test, Analysis Of Variance(ANOVA), Principle Component Analysis (PCA), Chi-Square Goodness-of-fit test, Multiple Linear Regression, General Linear Model, Bootstrapping and Resampling.
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  • This page has two calculators. One will cacluate a simple logistic regression, while the other calculates the predicted probability and odds ratio. There is also a brief tutorial covering logistic regression using an example involving infant gestational age and breast feeding. Please note, however, that the logistic regression accomplished by this page is based on a simple, plain-vanilla empirical regression.

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  • In this activity, students work in groups to provide practical interpretations of graphs, considering shape, center, and spread. Each group posts their interpretation for one graph and critiques other groups' interpretations on other graphs. Students examine key aspects (shape, spread, location, etc) of histograms and stem plots to develop the ability to interpret graphics. This activity gets the students up and out of their seats and working together. It is a good activity for early in a term. The Gallery Walk idea can be adapted for different sized classes but this activity has been designed for classes up to 65 students.
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  • The applets in this section of Statistical Java address Power. Users can perform one or two tailed tests for proportions or means for one or two samples. Set the parameters and drag the mouse across the graph to see how effect size affects power. An article and an alternative source for this applet can be found at http://www.amstat.org/publications/jse/v11n3/java/power/ This page was formerly located at http://www.stat.vt.edu/~sundar/java/applets/Power.html
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  • The applets in this section of Statistical Java allow you to see how levels of confidence are achieved through repeated sampling. The confidence intervals are related to the probability of successes in a Binomial experiment. The main page gives the equation for finding confidence intervals and describes the parameters (p, n, alpha). Each applet allows you to change a different parameter and simulate sampling to demonstrate the long run proportion of intervals that contain the true probability of success. The applets are available from a pull-down menu at the bottom of the page. This page was formerly located at http://www.stat.vt.edu/~sundar/java/applets/CI.html
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  • This resource presents population, housing, economic, and geographic data. (U.S. Census Bureau)
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  • This site contains materials to help teach a Chance course. It includes a newsletter, videos and audios, teaching aids, and other related Internet sources.
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  • Random is a website devoted to probability, mathematical statistics, and stochastic processes, and is intended for teachers and students of these subjects. The site consists of an integrated set of components that includes expository text, interactive web apps, data sets, biographical sketches, and an object library. 

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