Analysis Tools

  • DataFerrett is a unique data analysis and extraction tool -- with recoding capabilities -- to customize federal, state, and local data to suit your requirements. Using DataFerrett, you can develop an unlimited array of customized spreadsheets that are as versatile and complex as your usage demands. The DataFerrett helps you locate and retrieve the data you need across the Internet to your desktop or system, regardless of where the data resides. You can then develop and customize tables. Selecting your results in your table you can create a chart or graph for a visual presentation into an html page. Save your data in the databasket and save your table for continued reuse. The DataFerrett is a Beta testing version that will incorporate the latest bug fixes, enhancements, and new functionality that will be rolled into the DataFerrett after testing has been completed.

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  • A searchable database of approximately 600 applets for teaching introductory statistics topics, including graphical displays, descriptive statistics, probability concepts, random variables, sampling and sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, ANOVA, chi-square tests, correlation and regression, time series and forecasting, decision analysis, and quality control charts. Applets are arranged by topic and intended use. Information on each applet includes source and url as well as a brief description.

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  • This simulation involves a series of balls passing through bins to eventually yield a normal distribution. Information is also provided about what the normal distribution is.

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  • This java applet can be used to determine whether or not the means in two sample populations are significantly different.

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  • This applet performs the Student's t test on two sets of data, and reports the average and variance for both sets of data, the t score, degrees of freedom, and one and two tailed P values.

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  • BrightStat is a free online application for statistical analyses. Besides many non-parametric tests, BrightStat offers multiple linear regression, logistic regression, ANOVA and repeated measurements ANOVA as well as Kaplan Meier Survival analysis. BrightStat has an easy to use GUI and supports the creation of mostly used scientifc graphs such as line-, bar-, scatter- and box-plots as well as histograms.

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  • Compared to probability calculators, the traditional format of distribution tables has the advantage of showing many values simultaneously and, thus, enables the user to examine and quickly explore ranges of probabilities. This webpage includes a list of distributions and tables, including the standard normal (Z) table, student's t table, chi-square table, and F distribution tables. An animation of the density function and distribution function is shown above each distribution table to demonstrate the effects changing degrees of freedom and significance levels have on the shape of a distribution.

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  • This site contains 100 modules designed to introduce concepts in statistics. The modules are divided into categories such as Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, Related Measures, Enumeration Statistics, and ANOVA. Click the green button on the side to start the modules, then click "Main Menu" at the top to see a list of topics. Topics include Describing Numbers, Normal Curve, Sampling Distributions, Hypothesis Testing, Regression, and Chi-Square. The site also includes a glossary, statistical tables and simulations, and a personalized progress report. Key Words: Collection; Central Tendency; Spread; Correlation.
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  • This page computes a variety of descriptive statistics and creates a stem and leaf plot. Enter data in the text area, specify a delimiter (Space, Return, Tab, New line), and click "Compute". The page returns sample size, mean, median, trimmed mean, trimean, minimum, maximum, range, first quartile, third quartile, semi-interquartile range, standard deviation, variance, standard error of the mean, skew, and kurtosis. Key Word: Calculator; Summary Statistics.

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  • This page introduces the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, gives background and procedures for the test, and provides a calculation page which allows users to enter their own data and perform the test.

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