Analysis Tools

  • This site is a collection of Web-enabled scientific services & applications including Equation Plotter Software, Scientific Forecasting Software, Multiple Regression Software, Descriptive Statistics Software, Statistical Hypothesis Testing Software, Sample Size Software, and XML-RPC PHP client.

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  • This applet plots the survival function (1-F(t)) of the exponential distribution against the empirical survival function. The empirical survival function is one minus the empirical distribution function.

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  • This applet allows the user to enter data, then returns the values of empirical cumulative distribution function by sorting the data and reporting the height of the curve at each point. It does not show the graph.

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  • As quoted on the site, "This website ... offers the possibility to download true random numbers generated using a quantum random number generator upon demand. Users can specify the length of the random number sequence and their upper boundary."

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  • The page will calculate the following: Exact binomial probabilities, Approximation via the normal distribution, Approximation via the Poisson Distribution. This page will calculate and/or estimate binomial probabilities for situations of the general "k out of n" type, where k is the number of times a binomial outcome is observed or stipulated to occur, p is the probability that the outcome will occur on any particular occasion, q is the complementary probability (1-p) that the outcome will not occur on any particular occasion, and n is the number of occasions.

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  • This page generates a graph of the Chi-Square distribution and displays the associated probabilities. Users enter the degrees of freedom (between 1 and 20, inclusive) upon opening the page.

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  • This page calculates the standard error of a sampling distribution of sample means when users input the mean and standard deviation of the population and the sample size.

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  • This applet generates a graph of the sampling distribution of sample means and displays the probabilities associated with that distribution. Users enter the mean and standard deviation of the source population and the size of the samples. The applet also calculates the standard error of the sample means.

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  • This page generates a graph of the sampling distribution of the difference between two means and displays the probabilities associated with that distribution. Users enter the population standard deviation and the sample sizes, Na and Nb. The applet also calculates the standard error of the sample mean difference.

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  • This page generates a graph of the sampling distribution of r, the Pearson correlation coefficient. Upon opening, the applet prompts for sample size greater than 6. The applet also displays the probabilities associated with the distribution.

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