
  • A collection of Java applets and simulations covering a range of topics (descriptive statistics, confidence intervals, regression, effect size, ANOVA, etc.).

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  • Tetrad is a program which creates, simulates data from, estimates, tests, predicts with, and searches for causal and statistical models. The aim of the program is to provide sophisticated methods in a friendly interface requiring very little statistical sophistication of the user and no programming knowledge. It is not intended to replace flexible statistical programming systems such as Matlab, Splus or R. Tetrad is freeware that performs many of the functions in commercial programs such as Netica, Hugin, LISREL, EQS and other programs, and many discovery functions these commercial programs do not perform.

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  • The Journal of Statistics Education provides a collection of Java applets and excel spreadsheets (and the articles associated with them) from as early as 1998 on this webpage.

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  • This site has a wide collection of statistical resources inluding an online textbook covering first-year non-calculus based statistics (e.g. Normal distribution, ANOVA, Chi-Square), a simulation/demonstration section containing Java Applets on these first-year topics (ANOVA, Binomial Distribution,Central Limit Theorem, Chi Square, Confidence Interval, Correlation, Central Tendency, Effect Size, Goodness of Fit, Histogram, Normal Distribution, Power, Regression, Repeated Measures, Restriction of Range, Sampling Distribution, Skew, t-test, Transformations), and case studies covering the topics in the first-year statistics course. There is also a page with some basic statistical analysis tools that will aid in doing the computations if you have a Java enabled browser.  The source code for these resources can also be downloaded from this site.

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