Creating Interactive Tutorials for Teaching Statistics Online with learnr

By Chris Aberson (Cal Poly Humboldt)


Faculty are increasingly tasked with online teaching duties. This paper provides a how-to guide to using the learnr package for R. This package allows instructors to create seamless interactive tutorials that can use video, quizzes, and exercises run in R to foster student engagement and learning of statistics. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, more faculty than ever are teaching online. learnr tutorials provide a format that allows for greater student engagement with materials by providing opportunities to test knowledge and practice after viewing short videos on topics. I provide concrete instructions for developing learnr tutorials for teaching introductory statistics and provide insights from having applied these technologies for over a year. learnr is a tool that can assist instructors in leveraging valuable teaching opportunities afforded by the technology is a manner that requires only small changes in their more prevalent approaches to teaching online.


Creating Interactive Tutorials for Teaching Statistics Online with learnr.pdf