Webinar: Using the Online Dice-Based Golf Game GOLO to Illustrate Probability

March 23, 2010 Activity webinar presented by John Gabrosek & Paul Stephenson, Grand Valley State University and hosted by Leigh Slauson, Capital University. GOLO is a dice-based golf game that simulates playing a round of golf. GOLO can be used to illustrate basic probability concepts, descriptive summaries for data, discrete probability distributions, order statistics, and game theory. Participants had a chance to play the online version of GOLO.
Alternate Title: 
March 23, 2010, Activity Webinar
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Author Name: 
John Gabrosek & Paul Stephenson
Source Code Available: 
Source Code Available
Intended User Role: 
Learner, Teacher
Material Type: 
Resource Type: 
Free for All

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