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The Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition
USCLAP Project Submission Form (FA24)
The Fall 2024 submission cycle projects will be due Wednesday, December 18, 2024.
Project Title:
First Name (corresponding author):
Last Name (corresponding author):
College/University Name:
Email Address (Primary Contact):
Please use an email address that you can check during school breaks or after you graduate.
Telephone Number:
Faculty Sponsor:
Faculty Sponsor Email Address:
Faculty Sponsor Phone:
List Additional Co-Authors and Email (e.g. Last Name 1, First Name 1 - Email 1; Last Name 2, First Name 2 - Email 2):
Please list email addresses that can be checked during school breaks or after graduation.
Which of the following best describes the course in which you conducted this project?
- Select -
An introductory course in statistics or data science
An intermediate course in statistics or data science
A DataFest competition
Please provide the title of the course
Please provide the prerequisites (course # and title) for the course
Upload Project Paper:
One file only.
8 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
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