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Statistical Analysis of Factors Impacting Hotel Review Scores in the Las Vegas Strip

Presented by:
Ian Johnston (University of Notre Dame)

Due to the well known nature of Las Vegas as a large hub for gambling and travel, a study was conducted to look at the factors which would best help to predict TripAdvisor ratings for hotels on the Las Vegas Strip. A high hotel rating would likely translate to higher foot traffic in the corresponding hotel and thus a higher income. The data used described stays in the hotels in the year 2015. After fitting a linear regression model, it was found that hotel name, specific types of visitors, and the existence of a pool or free internet were the most significant factors which could help predict the ratings score. Through a knowledge of these factors, hotels on the Vegas Strip could focus resources on the parts of hospitality service which would maximize review scores on average.

Statistical Analysis of Factors Impacting Hotel Review Scores in the Las Vegas Strip.pdf