
Core Temperature


This dataset contains information on 7908 participants in a 2005-2014 retrospective cohort study of intraoperative core temperature during colorectal surgery and its association with risk of surgical site infection (Walters et al, 2020).  There are two primary predictor measurements of core temperature and three infection outcomes.  Covariate data is also available, including demographics, comorbidities, in-hospital surgical sequelae, and in-hospital mortality.  Statistical analysis of study data included locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOESS) for data visualization, single and multiple predictor logistic and Cox proportional hazards regression with splines, and Bonferroni correction.  Walters et al. (2020) found that core temperatures below 35.5 °C (hypothermia) are associated with increased risk of serious infectious complications.

Study DesignTopicStatistical MethodStatistical MethodStatistical Method
Retrospective CohortSurgical Site InfectionLogistic RegressionSurvival AnalysisSplines


The Core Temperature dataset was contributed by Ms. Jordyn Homoki, Research and Teaching Assistant, and Dr. Amy Nowacki, Associate Professor, Cleveland Clinic. Please refer to this resource as: Homoki, J. and Nowacki AS, “Core Temperature Dataset”, TSHS Resources Portal (2023). Available at


Surgical hypothermia (defined as core temperature < 36°C) is known to cause coagulopathy (abnormal bleeding), delayed drug metabolism, prolonged recovery, and thermal discomfort.  Less well understood is whether wound infections, specifically surgical site infections (SSI’s), are also associated with intra-operative hypothermia.   This is important, as surgical site infections (SSIs) are a major source of morbidity, mortality, prolonged hospitalization, and healthcare cost. The overall risk of SSI is 1–3%, generally, but is substantially higher, 10-15%, for patients undergoing colorectal surgery.  Research published to date suggest that moderate hypothermia causes SSIs and various other complications.  However, some of these studies are outdated (the surgical procedures described are no longer performed) and many are missing sufficient intraoperative temperature data.  Thus, it is unknown whether mild hypothermia or normothermic temperatures influence infection risk.  Walter et al (2020) explored the relationship between intraoperative core temperature and a composite of serious wound and systemic infections in adults having colorectal surgery in a novel study design that included repeated measurements of intra-operative core temperature.


The study objective was to evaluate the relationship between time weighted average (TWA) core temperature and serious wound and systemic infections developing within 30 days of colorectal surgery, overall and after taking into account covariate information.

Subjects & Variables

Subject# Obs# VarIntroductionData Dictionary
Surgical Site Infection790847Core Temperature Dataset IntroductionCore Temperature Data Dictionary

Data Downloads

Posting DateContributor (email)
1/26/23Amy S. Nowacki (
Core Temperature-RCore Temperature -SASCore Temperature-StataCore Temperature-SPSSCore Temperature-MinitabCore Temperature-Excel


Teaching Resources

last updated on 1/26/2023

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