This site is an index of modules which cover probability and statistics topics including basic probability, random variables, moments, distributions, data analysis including regression, moving averages, exponential smoothing, and clustering.
DataCounts! is an interactive website designed to help integrate social statistics into the classroom setting. Each collection contains a wide variety of datasets that can be viewed online with WebCHIP. DataCounts! also houses a collection of teaching modules that have been created by teachers across the country to integrate social science data into their classes.
StatVillage is a hypothetical village in Canada. Homes in StatVillage are laid out in a system of blocks on a rectangular grid with 8 homes per block. In the middle of each group of 8 homes is a playing area. Houses are addressed using a block and unit-within-block system. Services (e.g. food stores, shops) are located on the periphery of the village and are not shown on the map. Households can be selected for a survey by using a clickable map.
This site lists a set of case studies that cover regression topics, random number calculations of pi, as well as limit theorems. On the individual case study pages are the descriptions and/or instructions.
This page is a guide to writing and using statistics in the field of science. It is aimed at biology students. It contains information on formatting and the use of tables as well as links to pages about frequency analysis, t-tests, and regression.
This chapter of the NIST Engineering Statistics handbook describes Exploratory Data Analysis with an introduction, a discussion of the assumptions, a description of the techniques used, and a set of case studies.
This part of the NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook contains case studies for Exploratory Data Analysis. Some of the topics include normal and uniform random numbers, reliability using airplane glass failure times, and analysis of primary factors using ceramic strength.
The Marble Game is a "concept model" demonstrating how a binomial distribution evolves from the occurence of a large number of dichotomous events. The more events (marble bounces) that occur, the smoother the distribution becomes.