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Statistical Topic

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  • As described in the web page itself: "This document was prepared as an illustration of the use of both t tests and correlation/regression analysis in drawing conclusions from data in an actual study." The study compares athletic performance of swimmers that are optimists vs. pessimists.
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  • The Journal of Statistics Education disseminates knowledge for the improvement of statistics education at all levels, including elementary, secondary, post-secondary, post-graduate, continuing, and workplace education. It is distributed electronically and, in accord with its broad focus, publishes articles that enhance the exchange of a diversity of interesting and useful information among educators, practitioners, and researchers around the world. The intended audience includes anyone who teaches statistics, as well as those interested in research on statistical and probabilistic reasoning. All submissions are rigorously refereed using a double-blind peer review process.
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  • This tutorial explains in detail how to find a confidence interval using Excel.
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  • This tutorial explains in detail how to find a confidence interval using the TI-83 graphing calculator.
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  • This tutorial explains in detail how to make a 3-D graph using the Chart Wizard in Excel.
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  • In this activity, students will perform a two-way ANOVA on a dataset containing rainfall amounts for seeded and unseeded clouds in each of the 4 seasons. Questions about the exercise are given as well as a link to Excel instructions. The data exist in Excel and text formats.
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  • In this activity, students will perform a one sample t-test to see if the pH level of rain collected by the EPA is less than the pH standard for acid rain (5.6). Questions about the exercise and links to a t-test applet and TI-83 instructions are given. The data exist in Excel, TI-83, and text formats.
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  • In this activity, students will perform a chi-squared test on the number of people with health insurance by age to determine whether there is a relationship between age and insurance coverage. Questions about the exercise and a link to the DIG Stats Online Chi-Squared Calculator are given. The data exist in Excel and text formats.
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  • In this activity, students will perform a t-test to determine if there is a significant difference between the kicking distances of a football filled with helium and one filled with regular air. Questions about the exercise and links to Excel and TI-83 instructions are given. The data exist in Excel, TI-83, and text formats.
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  • In this activity, students will perform a t-test to see if fecal coliform counts collected from Blackwater Creek in Lynchburg, Virginia differ before and after rain showers. Questions about the exercise and links to Excel and TI-83 instructions are given. The data exist in Excel, TI-83, and text formats.
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