Resource Library

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  • This program focuses on the teamwork required to produce a successful mission and the importance of statistics in project design and management. Using the video and a hands-on lesson, students learn about statistical analysis and how people use statistics, such as mean, median, mode and range, to make decisions. Members of the Penske Racing Team and engineers from Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne help students investigate the relationship between work, energy and power as they look at race car design, the space shuttle and the International Space Station.

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  • This page calculates the Poisson distribution that most closely fits an observed frequency distribution, as determined by the method of least squares. Users enter observed frequencies, and the page returns the fitted Poisson frequencies, the mean and variance of the observed distribution and the fitted Poisson distribution, and R-squared.

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  • This page will calculate the lower and upper limits of the 95% confidence interval for a proportion, according to two methods described by Robert Newcombe, both derived from a procedure outlined by E. B. Wilson in 1927. The first method uses the Wilson procedure without a correction for continuity; the second uses the Wilson procedure with a correction for continuity.

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  • Beginning with a set of n paired values of Xa and Xb, this page will perform the necessary rank- ordering along with all other steps appropriate to the Wilcoxon test. As the page opens, you will be prompted to enter the number of paired values of Xa and Xb.

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  • The page calculates summary statistics for any dataset. Users will be prompted for sample size when opening this page. The calculator returns mean, sum of X, sum of X^2, variance, standard deviation, and standard error. Key word: Descriptive statistics.

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  • This page generates a graph of the sampling distribution of the difference between two means and displays the probabilities associated with that distribution. Users enter the population standard deviation and the sample sizes, Na and Nb. The applet also calculates the standard error of the sample mean difference.

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  • Generate a graphic and numerical display of the properties of the t-distribution for values of df between 4 and 200, inclusive.

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  • This page generates a Poisson distribution, as approximated by the Binomial. After clicking continue, users must enter the sample size (n>39) and probability of success (between 0.0 and 0.2, inclusive). A graph of the Poisson distribution with mean=np is shown as well as a table of the Poisson probabilities. Key Word: Poisson Calculator.

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  • This page generates a histogram of a Poisson distribution and the associated table of probabilities. Upon opening the page, users will be prompted to enter the mean of the distribution (between 0.01 and 20.0, inclusive). Key Word: Poisson Calculator.

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  • The page displays the sampling distribution and the standard error of the difference between two sample means. To calculate standard error, enter the standard deviation of the source population, along with the sample sizes, Na and Nb, and then click "Calculate".

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