Hi everyone!

 CAUSE is excited to announce the 2022 Electronic Conference on Teaching Statistics held online from May 23rd to May 26th, 2022. The conference theme is "Preparing the Modern Student." The conference will include four keynote addresses by Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel at Duke University, Talithia Williams at Harvey Mudd College, Jasmine McNealy from the University of Florida, and Rob Gould at University of California, Los Angeles. There will also be thirty-minute or seventy breakout sessions, online pre-conference workshops, birds of feather sessions, virtual poster and beyond sessions, and reading groups. 

We are calling for proposals for sessions focusing on these four tracks.

 1. Statistical and Data Literacy for the Modern Student – what every student needs to know in personal and professional lives. 
 2. Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice in data science and statistics.
 3. Preparing Mentors, Leaders, and Teachers for tomorrow.
 4. The (old and new) skills needed for the modern data scientist and statistician. 

This conference strives to drive the conversation on how to prepare the modern student. 

In addition to the online content, there will also be regional face-to-face meetings to encourage discussion in local statistics and data science education communities. 

There will be three phases of due dates. 

Phase 1 due date is January 30th, 2022. This due date is for pre-conference workshops, breakout sessions, and reading groups.
Phase 2 due date is February 15th, 2022. This due date is for regional conferences.
Phase 3 due date is March 13th, 2022. This due date is for virtual posters and beyond and birds of feather discussions. 

Please see the website (https://causeweb.org/cause/ecots/ecots22/) for more information or send me an email if you have any questions, Megan Mocko (Megan.Mocko@warrington.ufl.edu ).

 I wish everyone a good rest of your term. 

Best Regards, 

Megan Mocko